In autumn 2008 and spring 2010 she was the roving reporter for T4's Frock Me, hosting alongside Alexa Chung and Henry Holland. Watch her here!

The only way to rid of split ends is to cut them off and prevent them in the future with good hair care. So no they can not be sealed!
While drinking water is necessary for our bodies, too much will only result in bloating and too many trips to the bathroom. On average we visit the loo 3 to 4 times a day, pay attention to your urine colour if it is to dark drink an extra glass or two.
8 x 8 rule may a good basis to follow, REMEMBER milk, fruit juice and even tea can be counted as your daily water intake. Fluids that contain mainly water helps flush out toxins and help the body to absorb nutrients. So yes water is good for you but if you feel like its too much, it probably is!
Whether it's a natural or chemical ingredient, if your allergic to it, you'll see a reaction.
The more expensive the product the better it isYou need eight hours of sleep to look your best
Night is the time when your skin is not being bombarded with too many challenges, so it is able to rest, regenerate and repair. If you're not getting enough sleep your skin is going to suffer, but the amount of sleep you need varies from person to person. The quality of your sleep is also a factor. You might pass out for eight hours after an alcohol-induced binge, but you certainly won't get up looking your best. To help you get a good night's rest, avoid drinking alcohol and eating at least two hours before you go to bed, have a relaxing bath and try to establish a pattern of going to bed before midnight.
Camomile" align="right">Natural products are best
Not necessarily. Just because it is natural doesn't mean it will work better. Many natural ingredients do contain extra vitamins and minerals, but you need to be careful when buying 'natural' or 'organic' products. Only the smallest amount of natural ingredients need to be present in a product for it to be labelled 'natural'. These products can still contain parabens and other best-avoided chemicals. Synthetic alternatives can be just as good or even better, giving you all the benefits of natural ingredients. 'It also often makes more ecological sense to create something synthetically instead of drawing on natural resources,' says Penford.
False. Shorter hair often looks and feels thicker but cutting your hair won’t alter its normal biologically determined growth rate or overall texture. Thin, limp or fine hair will not ever grow thicker in response to a haircut. Plump up your hair by using volume enhancing hair care products, experimenting with a hair fattening blunt cut or getting a texturizing perm or color treatment.
False. There is no correct schedule for washing hair. Every person should shampoo according to the specific needs of their hair type and texture. While some people do benefit from a daily shampoo, others benefit from a variety of shampooing schedules.
False. The right shampoo for your hair type and texture will actually add moisture, body and beauty to your hair. The key is to finding the correct shampoo designed for your hair.
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