Watch out Oprah, Tyra's on the rise and she seems to be empowering a lot of women out there. And its not always about the weave... She trying to send out a positive message, about what really natural beauty is all about. Although sometimes she conflicts herself with the weaves that she wears. Is anyone confuzzled with the pics of Tyra? I am seeing that her wet hair shows complete straightness."You know for years I’ve always wanted to do a magazine and it always seemed like a natural thing to do, but with everything else that I have going on—I’m like busy all the time—and I never felt like the time was really right for me to do a magazine.
Well now, here it is! The time is right and the magazine I’m creating is right here. And my mission is to redefine beauty online. I’m good for making up words, and this time is no different. So I’m calling this my “MagaLine” – get it? Online, magazine,magaline?
Every month, just like a real magazine, we’re gonna explore new subjects and new themes, but here, when we do it, it’s gonna be “Tyra-sized.” It’s not gonna be just that normal magazine talk."
Click here to see her brand new online magazine